Friday, July 8, 2011

Roslyn Chapel, Melrose Abbey, and Abbotsford

Hi all,

Last week, we went on a field trip to Roslyn Chapel, Melrose Abbey, and Abbotsford. All three are amazing, but I must admit....

Rosslyn Chapel
Roslyn Chapel was my favorite! It really has a special feel about it. I'm not sure what it is. It could be how amazing the architecture and design of the building is, or the craftsmanship put into it, or the mystery of it and its survival during the reformation. It is still run by the St. Clair family to this day. There are crypts down below that they don't allow access to, however, they have x-rayed the building and know that crypts go down more than twenty feet! Everyone wants to excavate down there because it is a mystery to whether the knights templar treasure is there, etc. Not even the family knows what is under the crypts below a certain level. It is very interesting. The current St. Clair will not allow excavation because that is the burial place of his family and he doesn't want to disturb their graves. So the world will have to wait or never know.
Photography was not allowed on the inside of the chapel but on the outside. Roslyn is currently undergoing conservation at this time. My professor's husband is working on the restoration/conservation of the stained glass windows! What an honor huh! He is one of the best in a rare business. More about that story to come....

Here are some of the photos of Roslyn that I took.

Melrose Abbey
Melrose Abbey was built in the 12th century. It sets in the borderlands (middle country between highlands and lowlands). It was created by Cistercian monks by the River Tweed. During its best times, it was the wealthiest and most majestic medieval monasteries in Scotland. This building was the epitome of Gothic architecture. It lies in ruins now but is still extremely beautiful and peaceful. We got to climb the tower and the view was breathtaking!. The surrounding tombstones in the cemetery are also very interesting.
There is a little town that surrounds the abbey. It is so adorably charming! It's right out of a storybook.

Abbotsford was the house of Sir Walter Scott. It is sort of a hodgepodge of styles, inside and out. Scott romanticized medieval times in his novels. He had a love for medieval things. His house is pretty amazing and his relatives still own the property and live nearby. They are creating a little hotel next to the house. Interesting...It's to help raise funds into conservation of the home. It sets right along the River Tweed, and I wanted to sit there all day. The sun was shining, it was 70 degrees and the Scottish countryside is wonderful. Abbotsford is also not very far from Melrose Abbey. In fact, some of the architectural details of Scott's house, was taken from Melrose Abbey. It is a very unique house.

Hand painted wallpaper from China! Holy Cow!

I don't think this will fit into my dining room.

Check out all of my picks on this trip....

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